Thursday, November 30, 2006

Reasons Why Malcolm and Ruixian Should get Attached

Malcolm's name comes first throughout only because it starts with M and M comes before R.

1. Malcolm's and Ruixian's friends are supportive of them being a couple.

This is evident from all the posts and tags on this blog. The approval of friends is extremely important. Relationships rarely survive without it. Sure, Shania Twain's 'You're Still the One' points out that what your friends say may not really matter, but if they object to such a union, there usually is a good reason. And having their approval DOES make life hell a lot easier for the couple. At least they won't frown when you bring your other half out for a group outing, and keep talking bad about him/her when you are alone with them.

2. Malcolm and Ruixian are both intelligent.

Malcolm went to elite schools all the way (due to scholarly merit, of course), and Ruixian was on 'Singapore's Brainest Kid', and is currently in an elite school. Having about the same level of intellectuality, they should be able to have conversations on the same level as each other (i.e. no communication problems).

The Singapore Government also approves of such unions, because they believe that the elite will spawn an elite next generation. Yes, we should not let the government run our lives, and seriously, why should we do what the government suggests? As with no. 1, it never hurt to have the approval of the government.

And really, we all do want smart kids, don't we? =P

3. Malcolm and Ruixian live near each other.

Yes, Myron has already mentioned that in his post, but I'm going to expand on it.

While dating, living near each other is a bonus. The guy can always send the girl home, and even pick the girl up for dates. This is rather important in Singapore, where it is rather expensive to own a car. Travelling together on public transport gives more opportunities for conversation, and the couple can get to know each other better. Less time is wasted apart too. Spontaneous suppers, come-meet-me-I'm-at-home-on-MC-and-you're-home-too's and the like are also facilitated by the proximity.

Sure, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I'm sure they will miss each other enough if when they return home for the night.

And upon marriage, the couple can easily choose a location for a home near (or far haha) from both sets of parents.

4. Both of them have the same surname.

There will be no quarrels about retention of surname, or whose surname the children should adopt. Ruixian (or Malcolm =P) will not have to assume another surname.

Having the same surname of course implies that they are from the same race. Although race should not matter, we being in this multi-racial country called Singapore ('regardless of race, language or religion'), it still affects many, and having an other half from the same race is generally more acceptable by the older generation (read:parents).

And yes, as with no.s 2 & 3, why bother with what your parents think? Life's already hard enough as it is; there is no need to create more problems.

5. Malcolm and Ruixian are around the same height.

This is for practical (and aesthetic) purposes, obviously. Ruixian is shorter than Malcolm, and Malcolm isn't too tall such that Ruixian would have problems holding his hand, or would have to strain her neck every time she looks up to talk to him.

6. Malcolm's and Ruixian's first (and last) time can be with each other.

This has already been touched on in Myron's post, but once again I'm going to expand on it.

It is very rare these days for couples to save themselves till marriage, so having your first and last time with the same person, and keeping yourself only to that person throughout is makes you (practically) unique.

Ok. Enough of that preaching crap. No prior sexual experiences = no STDs. 'Nuff said.

7. Malcolm and Ruixian are both not brand conscious.

No expectations of designer goods on birthdays/anniversaries/Valentine's Day etc. No disappointment at the other half for turning up in cheap clothing on a date. No shame in introducing the other half to their friends simply because he/she didn't wear at least $1000 worth of clothing and the bag he/she is carrying was the free one given with some promotion.

Money saved = money earned. More for the future =).

8. Malcolm and Ruixian can both learn to play contract bridge together.

Learning with another beginner is much more fun.

Ok fine. This point was included because I have failed to get both of them to play bridge. OEI WHAT'S WRONG WITH LEARNING HOW TO PLAY BRIDGE!

Now that my hair is dried, I will go to bed. And no, Malcolm, I will not stop gossiping about you on your blog. Because YOU refuse to blog on your own blog, and I have noone else to gossip about. You know there are many ways to remedy this situation ya? The 2 most prominent ones being 1) get attached to Ruixian so I will not be able to gossip about the both of you, and 2) BLOG LA DUH!

And the Ball is in Malcolm's Court

The data on Ruixian's computer has disappeared, her computer requests for a format, and she has asked for help on Malcolm's rather inaccessible tagboard. Her plea appears to be directed at Malcolm, because 1) she did not ask me for help although she SMSed me for tuition (fine I do NOT have a degree in computing.... but see! I did the blog for the Malc... practically from scratch >.<) 2) she makes a direct reference in her tag to Myron's post on why she should date Malcolm ("COMPUTER WOES").

As Myron (masquerading as 'someone') so aptly put it, it appears that Ruixian has made the first move.

And what does Malcolm do about this? He acts cool. Although he has her MSN, and her blog address, he tags on his own blog, telling Ruixian what he thinks is wrong with the computer, telling her how he thinks it can be fixed, and (pointedly?) informing her that he cannot physically help her because he doesn't have the tools required in his solution.

Malcolm could have reacted in this way because of various reasons:

1. Malcolm is a kuku and doesn't know a hint when he sees one.
2. Malcolm saw the hint, but was too embarassed to try take advantage of it, which still makes him a kuku.
3. Malcolm saw the hint, but thought that playing it cool would score him extra points - kuku all the same.
4. Malcolm actually has no interest in Ruixian, and is politely trying to tell her no. (Which, in my opinion, still means he is a kuku.)

Knowing Malcolm and the insanity that seems to come over him whenver Ruixian is involved (see post), I'd think it's no. 1. Or possibly no. 3. Bio definitely didn't teach Malc how to handle such a situation.

There is a strong suspicion on our part that HI and HELLO on the tagboard are Ruixian's friends. If so,
Ruixian's friends seem to be rather supportive of Malcolm getting attached to Ruixian. HELLO has urged Malcolm to ask Ruixian out on a date, and HI has asked Ruixian to give Malcolm a chance. Both are very supportive of Malcolm and Ruixian becoming an item.

Ruixian, if you wish to find out who these dear friends are, HI's IP is, and HELLO's IP is I'm sure you must be touched that your friends are showing such care and concern towards you, and if when Malcolm and you finally get hitched, you may want to remember them and thank them for helping you along at the start. (:

Malcolm, does it take Myron to point out the obvious to you, that you should offer to go down and fix Ruixian's computer for her? What's stopping you? The fact that Ruixian is not legal yet?? You waited 25 years already surely can wait 1 more right . Besides, the suspense can lead to a heightened first experience. =P

Don't worry, Ruixian, I'm sure he'll last longer on his first try than Myron *gigglez*.


Oh ya. Ruixian ran off to KL.

Will Ruixian meet someone in KL and forget about Malcolm completely? Will their interest survive the separation? Will Malcolm regret not jumping at opportunity when it presented itself? Will Ruixian wish she made herself more obvious before she left? Stay tuned to to find out.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I crashed at the Awards graduation show with only one piece making the wall (See above). Overheard comments that people just can't figure out what the hell the ad is about. But crashing is crashing, guess now its time to start whoring the work around the usual A-list agencies. Anyone with any contacts?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Word of Wisdom

Inspired by Puayjoo's post on the tagboard. LALALA. Actually inspired by Sophia and Licai also. I have such perverted friends to inspire me.

This happened in Keith's class back in RI.

The geography teacher was feverently preaching the importance of being multi-talented to us.

She went: "Nowadays, people expect you to do different jobs! You can't just be a geographer! You need to be a geographer and something else. Geographer-cum-economist, geographer-cum-historian, geographer-cum-businessman-cum-archaeologist!"

"You got to CUM!"

And she turned around excitedly and wrote the "C-U-M" in large letters on the empty blackboard.

They are all stunned by her wisdom. It's so true in so many ways.

Random musing: Will our blog turn up high on search rankings when searching for 'cum'?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


1. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.

2. It is impossible to lick your own elbow.

3. The North American bald eagle can mate while airborne.

4. A full-grown bear can run as fast as a horse.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Malcolm's your man!

There is no question in my mind that Malcolm deserves to be with Ruixian.

Here's why:

A) He's still a virgin (Not promiscuous)
B) He's not dated anyone in ages (hence, not a flirt. Not even remotely)
C) One with almost childlike innocence (see his almost warped obsession with Lina Inverse)
D) He's thrifty/not brand concious (Look at his dress sense, or lack of)
E) Other than Sophia he's surrounded by all males. (Safe choice)
F) He's good with the computer. (NO MORE COMPUTER WOES)
G) He already has a degree.
H) He lives near you, he's practically has the whole house to himself most of the time (More time to snuggle)

Theres bound to be other points but for now all I can think of are permutations of the above points. so. shd just stop here.

Therefore, continuing our goal of trying to lessen the number of singles in this sick group of people, I beseech you, Ruixian, to take Malcolm, as the man, in your life.

P.S. By October you'll be legal and all is well. :)

Now Even SDU Cannot Help the Malc

Trying out the small font because Malcolm said should all use small font on his blog. It actually looks ok. Hmmm... Shall see the post later.

Malc has received the letter for his complimentary SDU membership upon graduation from NUS. But, SDU is now going to leave matchmaking to the private sector (The Straits Times, 17 Nov 2006). So the Malc will have to find a gf/wife by himself, or pay for matchmaking services from some private agency. Awwwwww.......

Actually, I don't actually know anyone from NUS who has actually gotten a date through SDU. And I only personally know one NUS graduate who went for an SDU session. He said that all the girls there were old and supremely ugly, and the only average looking female there was being swamped by a bunch of guys, so he just sat at the corner with some other guys and drank. This same guy went to a private matchmaking agency and got himself a pretty girlfriend (never met her before, so can't comment on her character). I've never made any use of my SDU membership. The only event I even considered going to was some bridge event, but I was going to be overseas at that time, and noone actually wanted to go with me ("What? You want to play bridge with noobs who are more interested in each other than the game? You SIAO ah!"). Come to think of it, not going was probably a good move - the advertisement actually said 'bridge is played in pairs' o.O; imagine playing with people who didn't already know that.

I have no idea if this is some government conspiracy to get university graduates to get married to each other and produce a more elite next generation, but I've learnt from a friend that it was rather impossible to reject the complimentary membership from SDU upon graduation from NUS. My friend (single, unattached, don't ask me why he didn't want the FREE membership) emailed SDU, telephoned SDU, and was finally told that to stop being an SDU member, he had to send them a SEALED letter stating his wishes. So my friend happily went out, made himself a seal (I think he was rather pleased with having his own seal), and sent off the letter. (Edit: My friend has MSNed me to tell me that it was actually just a stamp he bought, because SDU didn't have any self adressed envelopes. In which case, I really don't know why I remember him being so happy and pleased with himself. He must have really wanted to not be a member of an organisation that couldn't even afford self-adressed envelopes.) He received the next newsletter, which he thought came only because they had yet to do the update. They failed to update anything for the next 2 years, so my friend continued to be a member of SDU. Come to think of it, this could be the reason he ran off to Japan to do his phD before the 2 years were over.

One female friend of mine, not a graduate of NUS (she went to UK on a PSC scholarship) actually came back and signed up for SDU. She went out with quite a number of guys from there, but as yet, she's still not married to any of them. And I don't particularly remember her getting into any long term relationships with any one she met through SDU.

Hmm... So much for the efficacy of SDU.

But would SDU really have helped Malcolm find himself the girl of his dreams?

Going on the recent happenings, I am starting to suspect that the girl Malcolm wishes to date is not eligible to join SDU, unless she is some child prodigy, in which case she'd probably not be from NUS (and hence not get free forced SDU membership).

There is now some standing joke that Malcolm likes Ruixian, who is 15. But it's amusing how the frequency of Ruixian spotting me increases when Malcolm is around. Maybe she IS looking out for Malcolm after all! =P And in both instances, Ruixian saw us, but we did not see Ruixian. Malcolm asked Ruixian why she was spying on him. She retaliated by asking why we always appear where she can see us. And the 2nd part of that SMS was 'And I was thinking of you also. Eeeks so creepy!'. So I asked her why she was thinking about Malcolm (haha) and as expected she replied that she was thinking of me not him (ehhh don't anyhow assume. She passed by my house so she thought of me.). I told her that Malcolm was disappointed that she didn't think of him, so she said next time she would think of the both of us, which made Malcolm grin insanely and utter incoherent noises.

Heehee ok maybe I exaggerated on Malcolm's response to future moments where Ruixian would think of him. But I'm sure he was happy =D.

And then there was that incident where I asked a J2 from HCI to come read this blog. He said:

爱 X 无限大
爱 X 无限大
Why I Think Malcolm has a Crush on Ruixian

爱 X 无限大
best post of the year haha

Which I of course told Malcolm (I believe in letting people in on their own scandals, especially if they happen on their own blogs =P). Malcolm asked me who said that approximately 10 hours later, and I told him it was a J2 from HCI. To which he replied that 'Hmm... She is legal age..Lala'. When I told him Liangzhen was male, he said 'oh damn...'

And then there was this really weird time on Bridge Base Online (BBO) when Malcolm said he didn't want to partner me because he wanted to be a cradle snatcher like _____.


Maybe it doesn't really matter much that SDU isn't really there for Malc anymore, because he couldn't possibly have gotten the type of girls that interest him from there.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Singaporean Apologies

I've read about 3 apologies by Singaporeans/Singaporean companies in the news recently, each handled in very different manners. The first is the extremely notorious set of apologies by Ms Wee Shu-Min on her post about Mr Derek Wee, MP Wee Siew Kim's for his daughter's 'elite post' on her 'private blog', and his apology for that apology a day later. The second is the not so popular, but almost as well publicised, apology by Candy Empire on its ex-policy of disallowing wheelchairs into their store. The third is an apology by Marks & Spencer on retracting their job offer to a candidate because they could not find a uniform to fit her.

As yet, the last apology has yet to make full page news, so I will include it here. Taken from The New Paper, 18 Nov 2006, page 23.

We refer to Ms Norbaieyah Ismail's letter and confirm that her friend was offered the job as a customer service assistant at Marks & Spencer.
However, it was for a temporary assignment of one month.
When the assignment was offered to her, the human resource personnel genuinely thought that Ms Norbaieyah's friend would be able to fit into the available uniform size. Unfortunately, it was not the case.
Given that the Marks & Spencer tailor would take two weeks to produce a new set of uniform, the human resource personnel felt that it would not be fair to hold the candidate back from other job opportunities that she may receive during the course of waiting for the uniform.
In addition, we would also like to seek Ms Norbaieyah's understanding that Marks & Spencer, being an international retail company, has very strict guidelines and policies - and definitely one which states that every Marks & Spencer employee has to adhere to a strict uniform code.
We regret and apologise if we have failed to clearly explain this to the candidate.
And we would like to reassure Ms Norbaieyah that the company does not practise discrimination of any kind in our employment policies.

- Gloria Ngooi,
Human resource manager, Marks & Spencer

After reading all the apologies, I have to say the one from Marks & Spencer is, by far, the best. First and foremost, the company admits that they had made a mistake in assuming that they had a uniform the candidate could fit into in stock. Secondly, they explain that they did not insist the candidate keep to the terms of the 1 month contract she had signed because it would be better for her to be able to look for other jobs in the 2 weeks it would take for a uniform to be ready - i.e. they had the candidate's welfare in mind. And most importantly, a direct apology was made to the candidate.

Well, let's put it this way. The apology from M&S actually sounds sincere. (Word 'sound' here not used with bad connotations).

The apologies by the Wee father and daughter have been slammed all over the internet and the papers, and probably during friendly gatherings all over Singapore, and I've already written a post about it, so I won't bother to say too much about it here. Except to repeat the point that none of the apologies even seemed remotely geniune, and that it was rather evident that both parties did not care much about the people they were apologising to, and didn't even try to make it seem like they did.

I empathize with Candy Empire though. Their apology in the Straits Times on 7 Nov 2006, page H8 goes as follows.

We refer to your report "Candy store's 'no wheel-chair' policy upsets shoppers" (Sunday Times, Nov 5). We would like to clarify that people on wheel chairs are now alowed in Candy Empire shop at VivoCity since the removal of the sign last Thursday.
It is not a cosmetic change in our policy.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to anyone who was offended by the sign.

-Abdul Mohamed
General Manager
Candy Empire@VivoCity

Although this apology is nowhere near as sincere as the one from Marks & Spencer, I still feel that Singaporeans should give credit to Mr Abdul for at least making the effort. I definitely have nothing against the handicapped (even though I do use the handicapped toilets now and then to save time =P - see post), and I do feel that they should be viewed with sympathy and consideration. I, however, do understand why a store would ban wheelchairs from their premises (not that I agree with this policy). As it was reported in the Straits Times on 5 Nov 2006, the store said that they had such a policy because 'wheelchairs may hurt customers and damage property'.

While some people may view that as 'discrimination', I can totally see where the store's management is coming from. Imagine a customer in a wheelchair accidentally banging into another customer, running over another customer's foot or belongings (not actually sure if this is possible), or even worse, knocking someone down and causing such hurt that the person has to be sent to hospital. Who would bear the medical costs then? Surely it's unthinkable to request for an already disabled person pay for your hospital bills? (Well, at least with all the angry remarks I've read about people not sympathising with the handicapped, I guess that would be the case with most?) So would the store have to pay for the cost because they allowed someone in a wheelchair to enter? It can't possibly be the injured customer's fault can it? He IS hurt.

Then there would be the case where the store's property is being damaged by the wheelchair. I suppose if a couple of jars of candy got smashed, the store should put up with it - it's not like able-bodied customers are never clumsy and never knock over stuff in stores. But let's face it. A wheelchair can possibly do a lot more damage. And what if the wheelchair knocked over an entire shelf, and this shelf lands on someone, who would most likely get injured rather badly? Especially if that someone was a kid? If the person who knocked down the shelf was not handicapped, they'd likely have to pay for both the damages to store and the medical fees of the person who was injured. But a wheelchair-bound person knocking down the shelf seriously complicates matters.

So how IS this 'discrimination'? I don't really know. But I can tell you what I think 'discrimination' is. In the same article "Candy store's 'no wheelchair' policy upsets shoppers" in The Straits Times, 5 Nov 2006, 2 different attitudes towards wheelchairbound shoppers are reported.

1. Ms Sherena Loh, a wheelchair user, said this is the first time she has heard of a store openly banning wheelchairs. The 47-year-old senior manager said sales staff and shope owners usually try their best to accomodate her.
"They will even shift their furniture a little to make space for my wheel chair. If the place is too narrow, they'll bring out the items for me to choose," she said.

2. Aaron Shui, 14, who is wheelchair-bound, planned to buy some candy at the store with his family last weekend. ... Said his mother, Madam Molly Zhao, 47, a house wife: "At other stores, sales staff will just give us unhappy looks when we enter. But this is the first time I'm seeing such outright discrimination."

Hmm. Try to entertain Ms Loh because she obviously has the money to spend, but give unhappy looks to Mr Shui because he's younger and possibly won't be giving them much business? Now THAT is what I call discrimination.

And Candy Empire's banner, although not done in the most tasteful of ways, certainly didn't deserve the feedback it got.

In their update in the Sunday Times, 12 Nov 2006, it was reported that Mr Abdul said that the sign 'had to be taken down because people were coming to the store to take pictures and ridiculing it on online forums'. An example of this ridicule can be found here on Xialanxue's blog, where she comments that 'Wee Siew Kim, Wee Shu Min and Vivocity's Candy Empire all have one thing in common - They REALLY need to hire some PR professionals.'

Yes, as Malcolm said, the sign does indeed indicate that the store was discriminating against the disabled, and yes, Malcolm, General Managers should have some PR skills. But Mr Abdul certainly isn't the store's HR manager (unlike Ms Ngooi of M&S), and I still think that his efforts to rectify the situation shouldn't be made a mockery out by so many Singaporeans. And as to comparing him to the MP Wee and his daughter, well, that's just really plain silly. Mr Abdul recognised that there was a problem with the management of the store, admitted that there was a problem, apologised for it, and attempted to fix it. He may not have done it in the best way possible, but at least he tried. I cannot say such a thing for the Wees. Tried to rectify the damage they caused? Maybe. But as to actually making a proper apology? I don't think so.

And yes, perhaps Candy Empire would be better off hiring some PR professionals, but I do believe that MPs have the services of PR professionals at their disposal. Hmm. Ok, maybe they don't. Then why DO we pay so much taxes?

Friday, November 17, 2006

A random quiz.

1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?
Towel rack.

2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?
C-Fold HandTowels container that is flattened. (If you do not know that is... probably you never will).

3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?
Comb comb! I do not have that much hair yet!

4. From your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celeberity?
Celebrity of the moment: Sarah Carter.

5. You got a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue?
Taping is faster.

6. Chicken or pork?

7. By the time you get to school/work, is the sky still dark?

8. If you had a choice to see a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?
Unicorn. Because they are magical.

9. What was in your bag the last time you went out?
Almost nothing except an umbrella and a water bottle. Random stuff that I keep around also - dice, pencilbox, calculator...

10. What time does the sun usually set?
7? I do not notice.

11. What do you think of last before you go to sleep?
Damn my neck aches.

12. AC or fan?
Fan! < 1m away blowing at laptop =x

13. Do you wear braces?

14. Can you hand stand?
Too lazy to try.

15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?
Long loose bundle. To play with.

16. What level math are you in?
Errr... The use excel and calculator level and do basic addition?

17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?
Alba!!!!! She has nice sexy voice. =x

18. Which subject is worst, English or Math?
Currently Maths.

19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment?

20. After buying something, do you automatically throw it away?
I will leave it to collect dust first even if I really do not want it.

21. CD player or iPod?

22. Would you rather spin upside down goin 30 miles or drop 400 ft. into water?
The 400ft is faster.

24. What you got planned for the weekend?
Nothing! >.<

25. Have you ever gone ice skating?
Nopes. Sounds scary.

26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper what would you do?
Probably daydream or try to get out.

27. Is it always easy finding your remote everytime you want to watch TV?

28. How was your day?
Casino Royale rules! =x

29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them?
Grow... then when I feel irritated I will cut.

30. Describe your handwriting.
Small and looks like print when I write slowly. Someone say look like girl's. When writing faster everything goes REALLY haywire and my hand starts to hurt before I even finish a paragraph.

31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?

32. Do you bruise easily?
Not really.

33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you watch?
Japanese news. More derangedly amusing.

34. Do you know more than 3 friendster codes?

35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?
Typing is the lazy way out.

36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?
Noooopppppeeessss... Warm...

37. Describe yourself using one word:

38. Do you think bestfriends make the best lovers?
Good partners yes. Good lovers is another thing altogether.

39. Do you like ice in your drink?
Yes to chew.

40. Do you have abs?
Yeah... who doesn't. Just not well sculpted.

41.What is one of the best nicknames u ever had?
Hua Ze Lei from Meteor garden. Though, I do not think I am anything like him. Zzzz... cannot remember nicknames.. hehe

42.Do you think suicide is the best way?
It is effective.

43.Do you wanna get married?

44.Do you think money is everything?

45.Have you writen your own song?

46.What movie did you last watch?
Casino Royale!!!!! It ROX!

47.What are you going to do today/tomorrow?
Try to complete writing a resume. >.<

48.Do you believe in love forever?

49.What is in your mind rite now?
My eyes are dying.

50.What song is in your mind rite now?
Beyond's <海阔天空>.


1. What is your phone brand?

2. What are the last 3 digits in your phone no?

3. What does the second message in your inbox say?
"That good? What's so worth smiling about"

4. Who's the first person under M?
Madelene Hp.

5. Who's the last person you rang?

6. Who was your last missed call from?

7. Who's the second person under D?
Dad Hp

8. What does the last message in your inbox say?
"Nah. it was what he badly wanted to watch."

9. Who is the second last person under J?
Janice Hp

10. Go to your sent items. What is your 10th message about?

11. Who's the 4th person under S?
SarahSCC Off (Office - wow... its totally not even relevant anymore. She moved.)

12. Who's your network provider?

13. How many messages are in your inbox?

14. What do you have as your wallpaper?
Rei Ayanami. With her Eva Unit 001.

15. Who is the second person under R?
Renny.M Hp.

16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?
Don't use it.

17. If you're on prepaid, how much credit to you have left?
Not on prepaid.

18. Who's the last person under C?
Coop Teo.

19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?
Uh all... 7 bars.

20. What do you have as your main ringtone?

21. Name 5 people to do this quiz.

Quiz Because I am SO Bored

From Ruixian's Blog.

1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?

Towel rack/bar/whatever you want to call it.

2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?

Black coloured spongy one, possibly from IBM, but I wouldn't bet on that.

3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?

Brush. Some things are impossible to do with a comb, and only near impossible to do with a brush.

4. From your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celeberity?

I have no idea. Do I even look like I know who is 'in' these days. Wait. What IS a celeberity?

5. You got a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue?

Tape. Does biofilm count as tape?

6. Chicken or pork?

Chicken. No piggy for me. (And that is why, Miss Randomity, I couldn't possibly be sharing the porridge with Elsie because it had piggy it in! Eeek. =P)

7. By the time you get to school/work, is the sky still dark?

What do you mean by STILL dark. BECOMING dark might be it hahaha. Shelly = Nocturnal.

8. If you had a choice to see a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?

Mermaid. See my computer's desktop. See my laptop's desktop. I love Arial. I love her singing. I love 'Part of Your World'. I love the story of the little mermaid (the original, not the disney one) - it was one of the few kid's stories that had a touching ending, talks about the afterlife, and the main character didn't get the man of her dreams. Talk about reality. 2nd favourite kid's story is The Little Matchgirl, for the same reasons. Hans Christian Andersen is great.

Of course, if in all reality, since I don't usually go near large bodies of water, I'd probably rather see a unicorn than a mermaid fighting to crawl on the ground. Unicorns are cool too.

9. What was in your bag the last time you went out?

The same stuff that's usually there when I go out. This includes wallet, foldable brush, umbrella (ya I actually have one even though I am resistant to using it), small radio thingy, pencil case. And a hell lot of cards from goodness knows who. Those business type ones. I think I must stop taking them from shops.

10. What time does the sun usually set?

Slightly after I wake up? Shelly = vampire. Haha kidding. 6:45-7:15pm

11. What do you think of last before you go to sleep?

Am I ever going to get up at a socially acceptable time?

12. AC or fan?

Fan. Because I like fresh air too much. But if it's a stuffy place, or the temperature is above 27 degrees C, AC please. I overheat too often. Oh and still fan even if it's like 10 degrees outside. I like fresh air blowing around the room.

13. Do you wear braces?

No more. Not even retainers =P.

14. Can you hand stand?

Against the wall, yes. Not against the wall, probably only headstand.

15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?

Neatly. With a parting. If there is no character change when brought over to the other sex, I cannot see myself waking up everyday to gel my hair and put it in spikes, even though it looks cool on some.

16. What level math are you in?

In? None at all? I'm in Biology now. Highest qualifications in Maths = A level Maths C 'S' paper. And 4 modules of University Maths - abandoned minor in Maths after this horrdenous Math module where the answers were given in paragraph form, mostly in WORDS and SYMBOLS.

17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?

Alba obviously. Ms Simpson can't even tell the difference between tuna and chicken. o.O.

18. Which subject is worst, English or Math?

English. Especially if it's what Singaporeans call 'literature'. My views differ too much from others, and I tend to fail the lit essays as such. Also, my vocabulary sucks. But seriously, is there a need for such a large vocabulary when I know enough about the English language to sublty suan people and pry information out of others write out my research findings in presentable format?

19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment?

Have something really really interesting to do. I am like so bored. Where have all the good books gone? (Look suspiciously over at brother's room.) No more games (glare at Myron). Too lazy to compose an original post and here I am doing this quiz.

20. After buying something, do you automatically throw it away?

??? Straight after buying or eventually? Unless it's edible (referring to wrapper/container here), I actually think even eventually doesn't work for most of the things I buy (looks guiltily at extremely messy room). And agreed with Ruixian, who the hell is so insane as to throw away something immediately after they buy it?

21. CD player or iPod?

iPod. I promise to learn how to use the software immediately if anyone will get me one for a Christmas present *sweet smile*.

22. Would you rather spin upside down goin 30 miles or drop 400 ft. into water?

Drop 400 ft. into the water. I will bring along sufficient oxygen while doing this and wear scuba diving gear, and go down slowly. Or maybe go in a submarine. Preferably this will take place in some nice ocean with beautiful sea creatures I can watch going about their daily routine. Hey! Maybe I'd even get to see a mermaid.

24. What you got planned for the weekend?

Planned? Go lab do work get results. Go for the WoW raid planned on Saturday morning. Play DOTA. Blog.

What I will probably do? The last 2.

25. Have you ever gone ice skating?

Yes, I even took classes.

26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper what would you do?

Write crap for abit, doodle, try to pretend I'm an artist and draw a really good picture. Fail at that, and if I'm still not let out of the room, fold paper frogs, crows, and try to fold paper cranes. Still in room? Start eating bits of the paper. Fibre is good for you. If still stuck there, will start methodically shredding the paper into bits, tiny tiny bits, and then start exploring the inner parts of the pencil. Wood will probably be eaten at this point in time (assuming it's those non mechanical pencils).

If they have kept me in there for long enough, I'd probably have made a bed out of the shredded paper, but being unable to sleep, I'd be ready to kill whoever waks into the room. Possibly with the remanents of the pencil.

27. Is it always easy finding your remote everytime you want to watch TV?

Yes. Those Chinese sofas in my living room can't hide the remote from me.

28. How was your day?

Bizarre. Hot. Overheated. Haha. Why not ask how was my night? *gigglez*

29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them?

Grown until I get bored, then they get bitten off. Fingernails, that is. Toenails get peeled off, unless they are on the big toe, then they get cut off, or I stab something/someone with them, and they break off.

30. Describe your handwriting.

Always trying to be neat. It's already hard enough to make myself study. Why make it worse by having horrible handwritten notes that I will not want to read? Rounded. Always script, never cursive.

31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?


32. Do you bruise easily?

Yes. Very easily. I wonder why. Maybe it's because I keep bumping into things, bruises have to appear sooner or later.

33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you watch?

Can I not watch TV then >.<. Japanese news. Barney is evil. The only things more evil than Barney that could be on TV are the Tellytubbies. I watched 1 episode of the Tellytubbies, and they read my mind when I thought to myself 'hey what did I just miss?' by going 'Again! Again!' and repeating the previous scene. Freaks with TVs in their stomachs are NOT FOR ME. And neither is that big purple thing.

34. Do you know more than 3 friendster codes?

No. Since I have no idea what they are. The number each person is assigned to? I AM NOT THAT BIG A STALKER!

35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?

Type. Do I look like I can handle referencing by hand after being spoonfed with Microsoft Word?

36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?

Never. I would overheat. Even if I was in Beijing in the winter where the temperature outside was below 0, I'd still wear shorts. Wait. I've already done that.

37. Describe yourself using one word:


38. Do you think bestfriends make the best lovers?

Not necessarily. Even the best person to marry may not even be the best lover for you.

39. Do you like ice in your drink? Yes. It gives me the feeling that the drink isn't finished (e.g. when pouring out the drink from a can into a cup of ice). But then again I drink alot. And with that overheating problem, any way to cool down is always welcome.

40. Do you have abs?

No. I don't think I ever would. But I would like some.

41.What is one of the best nicknames u ever had?

Best? Err? Wet duck by my primary school form teacher (Mrs Elizabeth Khoo) because I wish I could sweat as much now as I did then, then maybe I wouldn't overheat so much. All the other nicknames I've had were just offshoots of my name. Or someone else's nickname.

42.Do you think suicide is the best way?

Not for everyone. My views on suicide here.

43.Do you wanna get married?

Yes. (So he can pay for my WoW and my bridge and my shopping......)

44.Do you think money is everything?

No, happiness is. But in this silly world we live in, and in this country, you need money for that. Grrrr.

45.Have you writen your own song?

No. But Ernie likes to make up lyrics for songs as she sings along to them.

46.What movie did you last watch?

The Banquet. Bizarre show, bizarre ending.

47.What are you going to do today/tomorrow?

Demoing Practical 6 of LSM3232 in NUS. Going to NUS to hand up marked lab reports. Hopefully going to do experiments. Stupid spoilt biohazard hood now have to try to get a slot for the other hoods that are always fully booked. Play games on computer.

48.Do you believe in love forever?

Yes. 'I believe in love surviving death into eternity' - Savage Garden, Affirmation. See post.

49.What is in your mind rite now?

Why is this quiz so long? Did I make it so long >.<.

50.What song is in your mind rite now?

Affirmation by Savage Garden. Because of question no. 48. ----------------------------------------------------------------

1. What is your phone brand?

Motorola. Always has been, always will be. From pager till the mobile phone.

2. What are the last 3 digits in your phone no?


3. What does the second message in your inbox say?

'Oh Damn..'

4. Who's the first person under M?


5. Who's the last person you rang?

Malcolm. Who didn't pick up.

6. Who was your last missed call from?

o.O. Malcolm.

7. Who's the second person under D?

Daniel TX.

8. What does the last message in your inbox say?

'Hehe. you are always beautiful to me.. but i am hardly an objective party.'

9. Who is the second last person under J?

Josh Home.

10. Go to your sent items. What is your 10th message about?

Disturbing someone. o.O. So that he can't complete his project >.<.

11. Who's the 4th person under S?

Shaohan Home.

12. Who's your network provider?


13. How many messages are in your inbox?


14. What do you have as your wallpaper?

Ernie. What else.

15. Who is the second person under R?

Raj Hp.

16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?

Shian Hp, but I don't use speed dial. It was automatically stored for me.

17. If you're on prepaid, how much credit to you have left?

On plan.

18. Who's the last person under C? Haha. Cust Svc No.

19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?

All 5.

20. What do you have as your main ringtone?

Ambient. I really don't know how to get ringtone songs for Motorola without paying =P.

21. Name 5 people to do this quiz.

Ah? And who will listen to me and do it? zzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Random Quote of the Day

Licai says:
sweat is a lot more acceptable than cum
Heehee so random.

That was followed by
Licai says:
u dun anyhow quote me out of context
Licai says:
After I said:

Shelly和小Ernie says:
whose blog you want it on?
Shelly和小Ernie says:

Haha. How can a RANDOM quote be quoted out of context!

Ernie: SLE. Heeheehee.

See. Even Ernie finds it amusing.

Monday, November 13, 2006

An (Unpaid for) Advertisement for Myron Tay

1. more. says:
her love confession
1. more. says:
1. more. says:
1. more. says:
u'll be called mancolm from now on
1. more. says:
^ is that funny enough to get blogged?
1. more. says:
1. more. says:
pls talk abt me
Shelly和小Ernie says:
mancolm look like lancome to me for bizarre reasons
Shelly和小Ernie says:
myron do you REALLY want a post about you
1. more. says:
yeah. but something. cool
Shelly和小Ernie says:
after all you've read about what i can do on posts?
Shelly和小Ernie says:
1. more. says:
so girls wld. like. fall in love with me
Hmm.... so someone wants a post about himself too. Even after being warned by me.
Shelly和小Ernie says:
ruixian demanded a post
Shelly和小Ernie says:
she got
Shelly和小Ernie says:
Shelly和小Ernie says:
So what is there to say about Mr Myron Tay? I first got to know him from a pub DOTA game in 2005, after which he came and joined us in our (then) clan channel, and never left. Not counting the numerous times he deleted Warcraft in some sort of hissy fit (and reinstalled it soon after because he missed us DOTA so much), and the time when he finally uninstalled it for good to concentrate on his advertising campaign (which is his profession btw). He, however, promised to come back as soon as his new Dell arrived. The unexpected kink in that promise was that he had (and still has) no idea how to get his new computer fixed up to the internet/router, so he still doesn't DOTA with us. Malcolm refuses to go to his house to plug in the lan cable for him.

Picture of Myron for you girls to oogle at:

Myron never fails to amuse. There was this period of time when we'd simply invite Myron into group MSN chats because he'd never fail to lighten the mood and chase our boredom away. We would probably still do that regularly, except that I have found blogging, and Malcolm is rather fixated on Slayers and Naruto. Myron also still has his advertising thing to do (it will apparently be over by Monday). And of course, there is a group chat with us all in it open as I type this advert for Myron.

1. more. says:
1. more. says:
sophias not chatting
1. more. says:
means shes.... blogging.
1. more. says:
abt me
Haha. If you haven't learnt anything about me yet, you should know by now never to request such open ended things from me like 'Write about me in your blog!' Regret often comes too late in such situations =P.

Well, to all potential suitors of Myron Tay, what information about him can I provide that would entice you to date him? Malcolm phrased it best (not from personal experience though. RX and future partners of Myron, have no fear! They are both very heterosexual!) Myron is good in bed. He is flexible enough to do 10seconds or 1 hr depending on how his partner likes it, or on what record he wants to set. He will cuddle you in bed after sex, and make you feel really wanted. Compromises have to be made there, however. Hence, microbiologists, health freaks, and anyone prioritising hygiene need not apply.

1. more. says:
1. more. says:
u writing thousand words comp?
1. more. says:

malc says:
dun u feel honored?
>1. more. says:
Aiyo... Myron... must learn to be patient ok. How would you feel if I wrote paragraphs for everyone else and 1 measly line for you?

Back to the advert. If you manage to catch Myron's eye, rest assured, you will always be on his mind, in his heart, and on his tongue. He will stop at nothing in his declaration of love for you. You will never have to worry about him hiding you from all his friends, and about him insisting you give up your lifestyle for him. He will accomodate you, and all his friends will know about you. He will not stand to have anything bad said about you, and will always defend you to the fullest. In need of devotion? Myron's your man.

Myron is in the advertising line, and is good at what he does. His drawings are marvellous (ok fine, I have to admit here that I don't actually see much artwork in my line, and compared to my drawings, other people's usually look much better), and he can actually draw using a mouse (the computer one). He can express himself very well with pictures, and is apt at graphical explanations of certain subject matters. Information from Myron never fails to amaze.

For more information about Myron, contact him through email/MSN at Some things tend to be misrepresented when not from the horse's mouth =P. (Especially if the mouth it comes out from is mine.)

And the M-R Saga Continues

So Ruixian tagged in the tagboard that the 'rocket' in reference actually comes from a song. Thus, I felt obliged to go and check out what the song was about. And this is the first stanza of the song.

Special by Mew

You're special
You're like a rocket through me
Ohh, you're special
You're a rocket through me
And I cannot this time

It also appears to be the chorus, as it appears 3x in the song, at least according the the lyrics given on

Hmm... So what COULD this mean? Went to listen to the song on YouTube (courtesy of Malcolm, who found it and gave me the link) All I could really hear was 'special' and 'rocket through me' many many times. Maybe that was what Ruixian was referring to when she said she was listening to the song at the time and simply used that as a title for her post. Just a guess here though =P.

Ruixian, however, appears to have a profound effect on Mr Lee. He suddenly came up with the idea that noone would know that she was only ___teen from my post, so noone reading his blog would think he was trying to be a cradle snatcher. I, of course, burst his bubble and reminded him that only people of a certain age would be trying to get into JC.

Disclaimer: I did not introduce Malcolm to Ruixian with any intention of them getting attached. Or even interested in each other. I would actually be very freaked out if Malcolm started dating Ruixian. It's got nothing to do with her being me being her tutor. I do have ex-students who have a 2 infront of their ages, whom I would not be shocked to find dating my friends. Surprised, maybe, but not shocked. Yes, the 10 year age gap is a significant factor.

Malcolm seems to have been nudged slowly over the edge of sanity by Ruixian though. Maybe it's just her name, maybe it's just the introduction to a girl. Maybe it's all in my mind.

Will Malcolm invite Ruixian to guest post on his blog to clear up her name (and his)? Will Malcolm give Ruixian administration rights on his blog so she can delete/edit my scandalous posts? Will Malcolm decide to take some control over his own blog and edit/delete my posts? Will Malcolm (oh horror) take away my ability to post on his blog?

Stay tuned to to find out.

More Proof That Malcolm is, Indeed, Nutz

malc says:
i passed desmond the blog to showcase ur madness
malc says:
Shelly和小Ernie says:
Shelly和小Ernie says:
i think he will think YOU are mad
Shelly和小Ernie says:
malc says:
oh ya
malc says:
Desmond's response on seeing the post:
nightsky says:
i must say sophia's cross referencing to blogs trumps my supposed APA style essays in detail and meticulosness

Sorry Malc. Only you appear to be insane here >.<. Oh wait... Hmm... There's more!
malc says:
nightsky says:
she talks to God.. but... doesn't want to hear God talk to her.... hmm....

malc says:
malc says:
Shelly和小Ernie says:
Shelly和小Ernie says:
that's religion
Shelly和小Ernie says:
isn't insanity!
malc says:
malc says:
malc says:
whats that abt?
nightsky says:
one of her posts lor
nightsky says:
in the invasion of ur blog

malc says:
yes whatever does that prove that she is mad?
Er, nice try Malcolm. Not believing in God through the orthodox religious styles definitely doesn't make a person insane (weeelll fine, considering that random offerings of innocents or mass suicides are not in my list of religious beliefs).

And of course I have something to say about the invasion of blog nonsense.
Shelly和小Ernie says:
what invasion of your blog!
Shelly和小Ernie says:
you dun even POST on your own blog!
malc says:
Shelly和小Ernie says:
i so nice do all the work for you kena called invader
Shelly和小Ernie says:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Why I Think Malcolm has a Crush on Ruixian

I introed Malcolm to Ruixian (who I apparently give tuition to even though she doesn't even look like she needs tuition) the other day on MSN because Ruixian wanted to go to RJC, and although I told her that it's hard for someone not from RGS/RI to go to RJC without taking Higher Chinese, I wanted to show her that it's still possible to get into RJC without taking HCL. Why do I think Malcolm has a crush on Ruixian? Because he goes slightly insane with her around, or when her name is mentioned. Examples to follow. But well, he was behaving so bizarrely in his first conversation with Ruixian that she actually made a post all about him! Yup, with snippets of the MSN conversation as well! It's entitled 'A Rocket Through Me', dated 07 Nov 2006.

I told Malcolm at the start that he was invited into the conversation because he didn't take HCL and yet still managed to make it into RJC. He nicely spoilt my plan to convince Ruixian that she can get into RJC without HCL by saying '
i dun have HCL... but... i got 1st for my chinese in RI in sec 3! >.<'. Sheesh. But of course Ruixian didn't even get the idea that he got in because he's from RI (affiliation), and instead decided that it was because 'people don't have HCL but got 1st in chinese'. Bleah. Both kuku de. Seriously. And what's up with the name of her post? Please please please don't tell me the rocket is Malcolm.

Ok now I cannot stop laughing.

Malcolm then proceeds to make really bizarre statements in the conversation. This is one (in my opinion that is) of them '
xianYES IFU WAN MEDICINE U MUST GO RJ'. Malcolm has already explained to me why he says this is the case. He says that most of the people in NUS medicine are from RJC. I agree with that. But being as I explained to him, the high % of people in NUS medicine being from RJC does not mean that you need to go to RJ to get into NUS medicine. Most of those in NUS medicine came from RJC simply because RJC is (or at least was, in our year and before that) the school that had the most triple Science classes. Since you had to take all 3 sciences at A level standard in my year and before to get into NUS Medicine (not just Chemistry like now), it would be highly likely that RJC with so many triple science classes would have a high proportion of their students going on to study Medicine next time. This compounded with the fact that you actually have to do decently well in the A levels to get into Medicine, and that you can't normally get into RJC without good O level grades (meaning you'd be more likely to get good A level grades as well), means that people in RJC doing triple science (the requirement for entry into NUS medicine) are also likely to score will in the A levels (another requirement for entry into NUS medicine), and hence many of those in NUS medicine are from RJC.

Hence, I felt, and still feel, that in order to get in to NUS Medicine, studying in RJC is not a requirement. As I stated in the MSN conversation, my brother is from NJC and he's in NUS medicine. I also think that if you're a girl (hence NUS doesn't really want you in Medicine, they have admitted it themselves), and you're not from RJC, and you're taking triple science, chances is that you'd have a post in either the student council of your JC, a post in some CCA/ECA, or both. Thus chances are really really high that's you'd get into NUS medicine, perhaps even higher than if you were a girl studying triple science in RJC, simply because an abnormal proportion of students in RJC take triple science, and not every single one of these students can hold posts in their CCA/ECA, or even be in the student council.

So basically I thought Malcolm was a little mad. But then again, who doesn't go off on the wild side every now and then these days? Hmmm.. Then I take a closer look at the statement, and realise, eek, he's calling her Xian! Know her for only 5 minutes, hasn't talked to the other sisters of hers (their names all start with Rui, so they call each other by the 2nd part of their names), and he's already calling her Xian! Waaaaa. Even I don't call her Xian. Hmm... but that's coz I think Ruixian is a nice name, and Xian sounds, erm, weird.

His insanity about photoshopping a degree can be read about on Ruixian's post (which was probably the reason why she even blogged about him in the first place?) so I won't bother to discuss it here. Malcolm then goes estastic when he finds out the post is actually about him '
omg she admitted the post was abt me!!!', but not before admitting that 'omg... i am going to check if xian replied... i must be in love with her >.<'. And then in response to my question on Puffy's blog about what he is looking for in his future partner (this post also made coz of that Ruixian >.<), he goes and says 'oh yeah... thats a nice to have criteria for future partner' in response to me kidding that it's good that 'at least she (Ruixian) lives so near you can send her home all the time'. Er? As I said in the MSN conversation, 'future partner' kinda = wife, and I'd be really sorry if his wife doesn't live with him >.<. And then Malcolm goes on to say that one of the most important criteria he has for his companion is that she doesn't 'run away'. Errr. He later admits that he doesn't really know why he even mentioned run away. I suspect the mere mention of Ruixian drives him insane.

But then again, Malcolm claims to always have been insane. I insisted that he is usually more normal, and challenged him to name an incident where he actually appeared to have lost this much of his mind without being under the influence of Ruixian. He couldn't, or wouldn't. Then, while waiting an infinitely long time for the 173 to take us home, he comments that maybe they discontinued the bus service. So maybe it IS possible that he doesn't have a crush on Ruixian, and just sometimes goes into fits of insanity, because we took 173 to get there in the first place just 1 hour before.

Of course I could say that Malcolm has made a deeper impact on Ruixian than I thought he would have (gee.... talk to him ONE time on MSN and HE gets a post.... know me for 5 years and I have to write one for her instead o.O), and that she has also affected him more than I thought she could have (ok maybe he's just bored). Goodness knows. But now I can always suan Malcolm, and call him a paedophile =P.

Oh did I forget to mention that Malcolm nudged Ruixian on MSN by mistake, decided that she nudged him, and told her he was playing game and would talk to her later?

Insanity I tell you.