Friday, November 17, 2006

Quiz Because I am SO Bored

From Ruixian's Blog.

1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?

Towel rack/bar/whatever you want to call it.

2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?

Black coloured spongy one, possibly from IBM, but I wouldn't bet on that.

3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?

Brush. Some things are impossible to do with a comb, and only near impossible to do with a brush.

4. From your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celeberity?

I have no idea. Do I even look like I know who is 'in' these days. Wait. What IS a celeberity?

5. You got a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue?

Tape. Does biofilm count as tape?

6. Chicken or pork?

Chicken. No piggy for me. (And that is why, Miss Randomity, I couldn't possibly be sharing the porridge with Elsie because it had piggy it in! Eeek. =P)

7. By the time you get to school/work, is the sky still dark?

What do you mean by STILL dark. BECOMING dark might be it hahaha. Shelly = Nocturnal.

8. If you had a choice to see a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?

Mermaid. See my computer's desktop. See my laptop's desktop. I love Arial. I love her singing. I love 'Part of Your World'. I love the story of the little mermaid (the original, not the disney one) - it was one of the few kid's stories that had a touching ending, talks about the afterlife, and the main character didn't get the man of her dreams. Talk about reality. 2nd favourite kid's story is The Little Matchgirl, for the same reasons. Hans Christian Andersen is great.

Of course, if in all reality, since I don't usually go near large bodies of water, I'd probably rather see a unicorn than a mermaid fighting to crawl on the ground. Unicorns are cool too.

9. What was in your bag the last time you went out?

The same stuff that's usually there when I go out. This includes wallet, foldable brush, umbrella (ya I actually have one even though I am resistant to using it), small radio thingy, pencil case. And a hell lot of cards from goodness knows who. Those business type ones. I think I must stop taking them from shops.

10. What time does the sun usually set?

Slightly after I wake up? Shelly = vampire. Haha kidding. 6:45-7:15pm

11. What do you think of last before you go to sleep?

Am I ever going to get up at a socially acceptable time?

12. AC or fan?

Fan. Because I like fresh air too much. But if it's a stuffy place, or the temperature is above 27 degrees C, AC please. I overheat too often. Oh and still fan even if it's like 10 degrees outside. I like fresh air blowing around the room.

13. Do you wear braces?

No more. Not even retainers =P.

14. Can you hand stand?

Against the wall, yes. Not against the wall, probably only headstand.

15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?

Neatly. With a parting. If there is no character change when brought over to the other sex, I cannot see myself waking up everyday to gel my hair and put it in spikes, even though it looks cool on some.

16. What level math are you in?

In? None at all? I'm in Biology now. Highest qualifications in Maths = A level Maths C 'S' paper. And 4 modules of University Maths - abandoned minor in Maths after this horrdenous Math module where the answers were given in paragraph form, mostly in WORDS and SYMBOLS.

17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?

Alba obviously. Ms Simpson can't even tell the difference between tuna and chicken. o.O.

18. Which subject is worst, English or Math?

English. Especially if it's what Singaporeans call 'literature'. My views differ too much from others, and I tend to fail the lit essays as such. Also, my vocabulary sucks. But seriously, is there a need for such a large vocabulary when I know enough about the English language to sublty suan people and pry information out of others write out my research findings in presentable format?

19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment?

Have something really really interesting to do. I am like so bored. Where have all the good books gone? (Look suspiciously over at brother's room.) No more games (glare at Myron). Too lazy to compose an original post and here I am doing this quiz.

20. After buying something, do you automatically throw it away?

??? Straight after buying or eventually? Unless it's edible (referring to wrapper/container here), I actually think even eventually doesn't work for most of the things I buy (looks guiltily at extremely messy room). And agreed with Ruixian, who the hell is so insane as to throw away something immediately after they buy it?

21. CD player or iPod?

iPod. I promise to learn how to use the software immediately if anyone will get me one for a Christmas present *sweet smile*.

22. Would you rather spin upside down goin 30 miles or drop 400 ft. into water?

Drop 400 ft. into the water. I will bring along sufficient oxygen while doing this and wear scuba diving gear, and go down slowly. Or maybe go in a submarine. Preferably this will take place in some nice ocean with beautiful sea creatures I can watch going about their daily routine. Hey! Maybe I'd even get to see a mermaid.

24. What you got planned for the weekend?

Planned? Go lab do work get results. Go for the WoW raid planned on Saturday morning. Play DOTA. Blog.

What I will probably do? The last 2.

25. Have you ever gone ice skating?

Yes, I even took classes.

26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper what would you do?

Write crap for abit, doodle, try to pretend I'm an artist and draw a really good picture. Fail at that, and if I'm still not let out of the room, fold paper frogs, crows, and try to fold paper cranes. Still in room? Start eating bits of the paper. Fibre is good for you. If still stuck there, will start methodically shredding the paper into bits, tiny tiny bits, and then start exploring the inner parts of the pencil. Wood will probably be eaten at this point in time (assuming it's those non mechanical pencils).

If they have kept me in there for long enough, I'd probably have made a bed out of the shredded paper, but being unable to sleep, I'd be ready to kill whoever waks into the room. Possibly with the remanents of the pencil.

27. Is it always easy finding your remote everytime you want to watch TV?

Yes. Those Chinese sofas in my living room can't hide the remote from me.

28. How was your day?

Bizarre. Hot. Overheated. Haha. Why not ask how was my night? *gigglez*

29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them?

Grown until I get bored, then they get bitten off. Fingernails, that is. Toenails get peeled off, unless they are on the big toe, then they get cut off, or I stab something/someone with them, and they break off.

30. Describe your handwriting.

Always trying to be neat. It's already hard enough to make myself study. Why make it worse by having horrible handwritten notes that I will not want to read? Rounded. Always script, never cursive.

31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?


32. Do you bruise easily?

Yes. Very easily. I wonder why. Maybe it's because I keep bumping into things, bruises have to appear sooner or later.

33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you watch?

Can I not watch TV then >.<. Japanese news. Barney is evil. The only things more evil than Barney that could be on TV are the Tellytubbies. I watched 1 episode of the Tellytubbies, and they read my mind when I thought to myself 'hey what did I just miss?' by going 'Again! Again!' and repeating the previous scene. Freaks with TVs in their stomachs are NOT FOR ME. And neither is that big purple thing.

34. Do you know more than 3 friendster codes?

No. Since I have no idea what they are. The number each person is assigned to? I AM NOT THAT BIG A STALKER!

35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?

Type. Do I look like I can handle referencing by hand after being spoonfed with Microsoft Word?

36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?

Never. I would overheat. Even if I was in Beijing in the winter where the temperature outside was below 0, I'd still wear shorts. Wait. I've already done that.

37. Describe yourself using one word:


38. Do you think bestfriends make the best lovers?

Not necessarily. Even the best person to marry may not even be the best lover for you.

39. Do you like ice in your drink? Yes. It gives me the feeling that the drink isn't finished (e.g. when pouring out the drink from a can into a cup of ice). But then again I drink alot. And with that overheating problem, any way to cool down is always welcome.

40. Do you have abs?

No. I don't think I ever would. But I would like some.

41.What is one of the best nicknames u ever had?

Best? Err? Wet duck by my primary school form teacher (Mrs Elizabeth Khoo) because I wish I could sweat as much now as I did then, then maybe I wouldn't overheat so much. All the other nicknames I've had were just offshoots of my name. Or someone else's nickname.

42.Do you think suicide is the best way?

Not for everyone. My views on suicide here.

43.Do you wanna get married?

Yes. (So he can pay for my WoW and my bridge and my shopping......)

44.Do you think money is everything?

No, happiness is. But in this silly world we live in, and in this country, you need money for that. Grrrr.

45.Have you writen your own song?

No. But Ernie likes to make up lyrics for songs as she sings along to them.

46.What movie did you last watch?

The Banquet. Bizarre show, bizarre ending.

47.What are you going to do today/tomorrow?

Demoing Practical 6 of LSM3232 in NUS. Going to NUS to hand up marked lab reports. Hopefully going to do experiments. Stupid spoilt biohazard hood now have to try to get a slot for the other hoods that are always fully booked. Play games on computer.

48.Do you believe in love forever?

Yes. 'I believe in love surviving death into eternity' - Savage Garden, Affirmation. See post.

49.What is in your mind rite now?

Why is this quiz so long? Did I make it so long >.<.

50.What song is in your mind rite now?

Affirmation by Savage Garden. Because of question no. 48. ----------------------------------------------------------------

1. What is your phone brand?

Motorola. Always has been, always will be. From pager till the mobile phone.

2. What are the last 3 digits in your phone no?


3. What does the second message in your inbox say?

'Oh Damn..'

4. Who's the first person under M?


5. Who's the last person you rang?

Malcolm. Who didn't pick up.

6. Who was your last missed call from?

o.O. Malcolm.

7. Who's the second person under D?

Daniel TX.

8. What does the last message in your inbox say?

'Hehe. you are always beautiful to me.. but i am hardly an objective party.'

9. Who is the second last person under J?

Josh Home.

10. Go to your sent items. What is your 10th message about?

Disturbing someone. o.O. So that he can't complete his project >.<.

11. Who's the 4th person under S?

Shaohan Home.

12. Who's your network provider?


13. How many messages are in your inbox?


14. What do you have as your wallpaper?

Ernie. What else.

15. Who is the second person under R?

Raj Hp.

16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?

Shian Hp, but I don't use speed dial. It was automatically stored for me.

17. If you're on prepaid, how much credit to you have left?

On plan.

18. Who's the last person under C? Haha. Cust Svc No.

19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?

All 5.

20. What do you have as your main ringtone?

Ambient. I really don't know how to get ringtone songs for Motorola without paying =P.

21. Name 5 people to do this quiz.

Ah? And who will listen to me and do it? zzzzzzzzz


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